Post-Op Instructions

Scaling & Root Planning

Post Op Instructions

  • Anesthetic was used today – please avoid chewing until anesthetic has dissipated.
  • Possibility of post-operative sensitivity to hot or cold. Initially avoid extremes in temperature.
  • For discomfort take an anti-inflammatory as needed. Motrin or Ibuprofen typically.
  • Need for excellent hygiene. Keep area clean even if a little sore. Brush and floss after each meal.
  • Warm salt water rinse; 8 oz water, 1/4 tsp salt; 3 times daily.

Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Onlays / Crowns / Bridges

Post Op Instructions

Today, you have had your tooth / teeth prepared for one type of restoration. Depending on the restoration, this process normally takes two or three appointments to complete. Temporaries are placed to protect the teeth while the custom restorations are being made. The following are some commonly asked questions that may arise following today’s visit.

Your Bite

If your bite feels uneven after the anesthetic dissipates, please call our office. If your bite remains uneven for a long period of time, it may precipitate a sore tooth.


Please refrain from chewing with your new temporary restoration for 30 minutes. Local anesthetic was used for the preparation, so please be careful when biting or talking so that you do not bite your lip, cheek or tongue. If possible, avoid chewing until the anesthetic dissipates.

Caring For Your Temporaries

To help keep your temporary in place, avoid eating sticky foods, especially gum and caramels. It is important to continue to brush normally, but floss very carefully and remove the floss from the side to prevent removal of the temporary. On rare occasions, temporaries may come off. Call the office if this happens and keep the temporary so that we can re cement it. It is important for the proper fit of your final restoration that temporaries stay in place.

After The Procedure

It is possible that you may experience some slight sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures following the appointment. You gum may be slightly tender for about 24-48 hours. We recommend that you rinse three times a day with warm salt-water rinses to reduce any form of moderate swelling that may have occurred. You may have a feeling of soreness or bruising around the area where the anesthetic was given. This should dissipate within 48 hours.


Composite Restorative

Post Op Instructions

Today, you have had a tooth-colored composite filling on one or more of your teeth. The following are some commonly asked questions that may arise following today’s visit.

Your Bite

If your bite feels uneven after the anesthetic dissipates, please call our office. If your bite remains uneven for a long period of time, it may precipitate a sore tooth.


There are no restrictions to chewing on your new composites; however, local anesthetic was used for the preparation, so please be careful when biting or talking so that you do not bite your lip, cheek or tongue. If possible, avoid chewing until the anesthetic dissipates.

After the Procedure

It is possible that you may experience some slight sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures following the appointment. If the sensitivity lasts longer than 7 days, contact our office. Your gum may be slightly tender for about 24-48 hours. We recommend that you rinse three times a day with warm salt-water rinses to reduce any form of moderate swelling that may have occurred. You may have a feeling of soreness or bruising around the area where the anesthetic was given. This should dissipate within 48 hours.



Post Op Instructions

  • Bite on gauze for 40 minutes, holding pressure on gauze. Remove gauze and replace with new gauze for another 40 minutes. Do NOT suck on a straw or anything that would have tendency to dislodge the clot. Do NOT drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours as alcohol in blood causes poor clot formation. Expect oozing.
  • Do NOT rinse or smoke for 24 hours. The healing of the area is added by this action. After 24 hours, rinse mouth with warm salt water; made by placing 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Keep the area clean. Continue rinsing daily until area is comfortable. DO NOT RINSE VIGOROUSLY.
  • Take medication as prescribed by the doctor. This is an important part of your treatment.
  • Avoid heavy work for 24 hours following surgery. Do not eat or drink for 2 hours after your surgery, then maintain adequate rest and nourishment.
  • If bleeding starts again after 24 hours, place gauze over are and bite on gauze, creating pressure on area. Hold for 40 minutes. If bleeding does not stop, place wet tea bag in gauze and bite on area for another 40 minutes. (Any tea bag will work).
  • Swelling is a normal occurrence and is part of the healing process after surgery. The swelling should subside in 3 or 4 days. If it persists, please all our office.
  • If the tooth removed was an impacted tooth, swelling can be somewhat controlled by the utilization of ice packs. Apply ice wrapped in a towel alternately, 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, for 2 hours or more if possible.
  • During the healing process, sharp fragments of bone may work up through the gum. If annoying, return to our office for removal.
  • You may have sutures placed. They will be black or white. Please leave alone and brush gently around the area. They will eventually work themselves out as a part of your healing process.
  • If any other problem arises not covered above, please call our office at 864-962-5522.

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Implant Placement

Post Op Instructions

  • Bite down holding light pressure on the gauze placed at the end of your surgery. Do this for at least 40 minutes. Remove gauze and replace with new gauze for 40 minutes if needed. Repeat this as necessary. There should not be excessive bleeding. If you notice excess bleeding call our office immediately.
  • A certain amount of bleeding, swelling, and pain is normal.
  • Do not rinse or spit for a minimum of 24 hours. Do NOT brush the teeth in the area of surgery for 48 hours. Be gentle when brushing. If you were prescribed mouthwash, start using 24 hours after your surgery.
  • Swelling can be somewhat controlled by the utilization of ice packs. Apply ice wrapped in a towel alternately, 20 minutes on, 20minutes off, for 2 hours or more if possible. Bruising and discoloration is not unusual.
  • Avoid heavy work for 24 hours following surgery. Do not eat or drink for 2 hours after your surgery, then maintain adequate rest and nourishment.
  • If you have a temporary flipper to wear do not place it until the numbness in the area is gone. When it is placed it should not touch the gums in the area of the surgery. If it does, have the doctor adjust the flipper as this can cause breakdown of the suture margins.
  • A soft diet is recommended for the first 2-3 days.
  • In order to avoid IMPLANT FAILURE, be sure to take medication prescribed by the doctor. Antibiotics are extremely important after implant placement.
  • Follow up appointments are scheduled for 2 weeks after surgery. If you have any questions prior to your follow up appointment please call our office at 864-962-5522.

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Guidelines To Follow For A Soft Diet

Recommended foods for a soft diet are easy to chew and swallow such as the following:

Breads, cereals, rice, pasta, other:

  • Breads muffins, pancakes or waffles moistened with syrup, jelly, margarine or butter
  • Moist, dry or cooked cereal
  • Macaroni, pasta, noodles or rice
  • Soup, saltine crackers moistened in soup or other liquid

Fruits and vegetables:

  • Applesauce or canned fruit without seeds or skin
  • Cooked fruits or ripe, soft peeled fruits; such as bananas, peaches or melon
  • Soft, well-cooked vegetables without seeds or skin; mashed potatoes
  • Smoothies/ green drinks

Meat and other protein sources:

  • Poached, scrambled or cooked eggs
  • Moist, tender meat, fish or poultry that is ground or chopped into small pieces
  • Soups with small soft pieces of vegetable and meat
  • Tofu
  • Well-cooked, slightly mashed, moist legumes, such as baked beans


  • Cheese (in sauces or melted), cottage cheese, or ricotta cheese
  • Milk or milk drinks, milkshakes
  • Ice cream, sherbet, or frozen yogurt without fruit or nuts
  • Yogurt (Plain or with soft fruits)


  • Gelatin dessert with soft canned fruit
  • Pudding or custard, milkshakes
  • Fruit cobbler with soft breading or crumb mixture (no seeds or nuts) or fruit pie with soft bottom crust only
  • Soft, moist cake or cookie that has been moistened in milk, coffee or other liquid


Foods to avoid for a soft diet:

Avoid any foods that are hard for you to chew or swallow, such as the following:


  • Crackers and cereal with nuts and or raisins.
  • Bread that has coconut dried fruit, nuts and other seeds. Plain cake is okay to eat.
  • Breads with tough crusts; such as bagels or French bread.
  • Popcorn
  • Taco shells

Fruits and vegetables:

  • Raw, crisp fruits such as apples and pears
  • Dried fruits
  • Stringy fruits such as pineapple and mango
  • Cooked fruits with skin and seeds (if skin and seeds are removed you may eat cooked fruits)
  • Raw, hard vegetables that cannot be mashed easily, such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and celery (you can eat these vegetables steamed)
  • NO salads (any leafy foods are hard to chew and not good for your jaw)

Dairy, meats and protein foods:

  • Yogurt or ice cream with nuts and granola
  • Dry meats (beef jerky) and tough meats (bacon, sausage, hotdogs, bratwurst, steak)
  • Casseroles with large chunks of meat
  • Peanut butter (creamy or crunchy, the creamy peanut butter is hard to swallow)

*Keep a Pain Journal and record the pain you encounter daily. In your journal rate on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being little to no pain and 10 being maximum pain) the amount of joint pain you are in daily. It is important to record your results daily and to bring the journal to your next appointment. 

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